Alchemia's Well
Healing Arts

Alchemia symbolizes the spirit and gift of transformation present within all living things. A well is a sacred opening in the earth where water seeps from the depths below to birth new life. Together, Alchemia's Well is the cauldron of waters I draw from and the presiding spirit of my healing arts practice. As an herbalist, bodyworker, and full spectrum doula, I support people through their own journeys of inner alchemy. As a womb worker, I specialize in holistic abortion and pregnancy loss support, homebirth and postpartum care, body literacy & fertility awareness coaching, herbal contraception, abdominal and womb massage, ritualized rites of passage, and holistic sexual & reproductive health. Alchemia and I, Sophia, invite you to walk into the cave to discover your innermost well of healing potential,
candles and twinkling stars illuminating the way home.

My Offerings:

Wellness Consultations & Handmade Custom Herbal Formulations From My Apothecary

Thai Massage
Prenatal & Postpartum Massage
Abdominal Massage
Intuitive Energy Healing
Botanical Bodywork

Full Spectrum Doula specializing in:
Holistic Sexual & Reproductive Health
Abortion & Pregnancy Loss Support
Birth & Postpartum Support *Homebirth Specialty
Body Literacy & Fertility Awareness Coaching
Herbal Contraception
Ritualized Rites of Passage & Ceremony for all ages and phases
Abdominal & Womb Massage

Sophia's Wisdom School

This is a very unique learning space that allows students to acquire more than just knowledge, it is a space to find one's true essence and dharma, transform & blossom, and cultivate life-long mentorship & deep wisdom

Are you starting your own healing arts path or curious to begin the journey and desire some 1:1 mentorship time? On my journey, I began apprenticeship style and see the rich value in learning through the direct passing down of cultivated wisdom. Come learn with me!
Alchemia's Apothecary:
What Will I Make For You?